- Leed las indicaciones y explicaciones siguientes y traducidlo en vuestro cuaderno.
- Ved los distintos vídeos que os adjunto para que os den alguna posible idea sobre la tarea a realizar.
- Reúnete con el resto de miembros de tu grupo y piensa en un material a desarrollar en equipo.
We have been watching some videos about what Agmented Reality is and what can we do with it. Do you remember that I told you that we were going to do some educational materials for other students of our school? That is what we are going to do. We are going to make good educational materials (books with Augmented Reality).
For example, imagine a group of children of 3th course of primary school who are learning about senses, and we would like them to learn visually through 3D materials. Watch the following video and think on how do you believe they could learn with this technology...
But we can do more things than books. Have you ever noticed on the pictures that are in your classroom aisle's walls? There are very famous pictures as "Las Meninas" from Velazquez. Imagine that whenever you point to the picture with your smartphone, you can watch a video about Velazquez or information about the Museum where the original picture is... Wouldn't it be amazing?
Now it's time for you to work in groups. There are going to be five groups, and they will do five diferent projects to improve the way we learn at our school. This groups are:
Ayelén Renzo Paula María Jesús Álvaro
Joana Ricardo Pilar Leticia Víctor C.
Elias A. Marina Alex Manuel Cristian
Iván Laura G. Bryan A. Luis F. Isabel
Víctor del R. Sandra Diana Ioana Josely
In each group you have to choose three possible ideas of educational materials that we could use at SAint Joseph School to improve the learning and teaching process. Write down in your notebook for me to see next week!!